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New power system is an important carrier to promote low-carbon transformation of power industry

2022-08-12 15:37:31
The opinions on improving the system, mechanism and policy measures for green and low-carbon energy transformation jointly issued by the national development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration covers the policy system, market mechanism, industrial direction, technological innovation, financial support and other aspects related to low-carbon energy transformation, which not only continues and deepens the existing policies, but also opens up a new situation in the following aspects.

Significant changes have taken place in the connotation of the new power system

In march2021, the ninth meeting of the Central Committee of Finance and economics formally proposed to "build a new power system with new energy as the main body", raising the development of new energy to an unprecedented level, which will have a huge impact on thermal power, new energy, power grid and other industries, and will also produce other opportunities.

The global energy and power shortage in the second half of last year is undoubtedly a wake-up call for the "one size fits all" environmental protection policy and the "explosive" high-profile carbon reduction. Sudden setbacks will bring reflection and adjustment. The central economic work conference in early December 2021 proposed to base on the basic national conditions of coal; The 2022 energy work conference of the national energy administration also made it clear that the gradual withdrawal of traditional energy should be based on the safe and reliable substitution of new energy, which means that the energy development policy will change to a more pragmatic and feasible direction, solve the contradictions between new energy and traditional energy, new energy and the power grid, and consolidate the foundation for the stability of the power system, In order to make the low-carbon transformation of energy stable and far-reaching.

In fact, the adjustment of the connotation of the new power system has already appeared. On January 28 this year, the national development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration issued the guiding opinions on accelerating the construction of a national unified power market system. The words "taking new energy as the main body" are no longer seen, but "promoting the formation of a new power system suitable for China's national conditions and with stronger new energy consumption capacity".
The opinions actually gives a more comprehensive interpretation of the connotation of the new power system: first, the new power system can adapt to the development needs of new energy power, and is a power grid system suitable for the local in-depth utilization and wide area transmission of renewable energy, which means that the new power system is an important carrier to promote the low-carbon transformation of the power industry. Secondly, the new power system is highly inclusive in introducing flexible resources, which can promote the coordinated development of multiple power sources. Coal power deep regulation, gas power, conventional hydropower capacity increase, pumped storage, new energy storage, light and heat are all options; It can also effectively promote demand side regulation, play the role of peak shaving and valley filling, and promote the balance of power supply and demand; It can also form a regional integrated energy system with heating (cooling) and gas supply systems. Third, the new power system is supported by a sound power market mechanism, realizing the organic connection between power medium and long-term, spot and auxiliary service transactions. There is a perfect capacity market transaction mechanism to promote the green and low-carbon development of power through marketization.

Policies to promote the development of new energy add more chips

Although the new power system is no longer crowned with "new energy as the main body", a core requirement is to "meet the needs of new energy power development", and the direction of supporting new energy development will not change. The opinions takes breaking the system and mechanism as the breakthrough point, and at least enhances the support in the following aspects.

First, the total energy consumption limit will be broken, and the development goal of non fossil energy may exceed expectations. The opinions requires the establishment of a non fossil energy target system and "dual control" of energy consumption, so as to form a non fossil energy that not only basically meets the increment of energy demand, but also replaces the fossil energy stock on a large scale. We will strengthen the management of binding indicators for reducing energy consumption intensity and effectively enhance the flexibility of total energy consumption management. The released signal is that the target of total energy consumption is no longer a hard constraint, but the premise is that the development speed of non fossil energy meets the increment of energy demand. As long as the growth rate of non fossil energy is sufficient, the ceiling will not be set for the total energy consumption, freeing up space for the development of the national economy. According to the prediction of several authoritative institutions, China's total energy consumption will reach 6billion tons of standard coal in 2030, with an increase of 1billion tons compared with 2020. According to the requirements of "basically meeting" the increment and large-scale replacement of fossil energy stock, the increase will reach at least 850million tons, which will be slightly higher than the target of 25% of non fossil energy in 2030. As the main non fossil energy, new energy will continue to grow at a high speed.

Second, break down regional consumption barriers and strengthen the grid connected consumption of new energy. The opinions require that all regions should be encouraged to meet the minimum proportion of renewable energy consumption and other indicator requirements set by the state through regional cooperation or renewable energy power consumption trading, establish a cross regional energy security and development coordination mechanism, strengthen the interconnection of power grids between provinces and regions, further improve the formation mechanism of cross provincial and cross regional electricity prices, and promote the wider consumption of renewable energy. We will support new energy power to be built as much as possible, combined as much as possible, and generated as much as possible.

Third, the establishment of green electricity (green card) consumption mechanism will be accelerated. We will accelerate the construction of a national green power trading market, establish and improve a mechanism to promote green energy consumption, establish a green energy consumption certification mechanism, improve and promote green power certificate trading, and promote green power consumption.

Fourth, the mechanism of trading nearby (selling electricity through partition walls) will surely break through. The opinions has repeatedly emphasized the requirements for nearby consumption and trading of Distributed Energy: encourage renewable energy power projects to supply power to industrial parks or enterprises nearby through innovative power transmission and operation modes; Actively promote the market-oriented trading of distributed generation, and support distributed generation (including electric energy storage, electric vehicle, etc.) to trade with power users in the same distribution network through the power trading platform; Rural areas support new energy power trading nearby.

Opening a new blue ocean for rural biomass energy development

The opinions put forward strong support measures for the development of rural biomass energy: the central government funds are further inclined to rural energy construction, and the existing funding channels are used to support the construction of rural energy supply infrastructure. In rural areas, priority should be given to supporting biogas power generation and other biomass power generation to be connected to the power grid, and power grid enterprises should give priority to purchasing their power generation capacity.

Biomass resource is the only renewable fuel available in nature at present. It has a wide range of sources, large volume, can be stored and transported to a certain extent, and can be transformed into electricity, heat, gas, liquid fuel and other forms. It will play an irreplaceable role in realizing renewable energy power generation and renewable energy fuel substitution.

China is a large country of biomass resources. The annual total amount of forestry waste, crop straw and large-scale livestock manure resources that can be sourced in rural areas is more than 500 million tons of standard coal, and the total utilization can reach 10% of China's total primary energy. At the same time, the development of biomass energy can promote the transfer of capital, technology and industry to rural areas, and can be closely combined with rural revitalization. It is also an important means to eliminate rural pollution.

At present, China's biomass energy is still in the primary stage of development. In the future, larger scale development is the only way to achieve the "double carbon" goal. The annual output value of its market space will exceed 100 billion yuan, and it will become a trend for capital to go to the countryside.

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